Sports Massage Therapy – Benefits And What To Expect

Sports Massages are aimed at Athletes or anyone who workouts regularly regardless of what type of sport or activity you’re doing (gym, cross fit, running, playing sports, etc 출장마사지).

Sports massages can be before, during, or after an event or activity. Depending on when will depend on what techniques the therapist uses to give you optimal performance during your activity and enhance your recovery afterwards.

Recovery is an important part of any training program, it doesn’t matter if you go to the gym a few times or are training for a marathon. Any kind of exercise causes wear and tear on your body, so allowing it to properly repair and recover is very important.

Some Ways To Help With Recovery

Drink Lots of Water (prevents dehydration & muscle stiffness)
Get a Good Night Sleep 7-8 hours (helps with mental & physical recovery)
Protein Intake (main muscle repairing nutrient)
Stretching / Yoga (improve flexibility & range of motion)
Massage, Massage Balls, Foam Rollers (reduce pain & tension)
Sports Massage Benefits

Increase Mobility – More Range of Motion
Enhanced Performance During Activity
Increased Relaxation – Allowing More Focus
Decrease Stiffness & Soreness
Faster Recovery Time from DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), Pain or Injuries
Here are some of the most common sports injuries that massage can help with:

Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow
Strains & Sprains
Shin Splints
Pulled Groin
Plantar Fasciitis

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