How to Last Longer The Fragrance of Body Mist Spray For Women

Women have a general complaint that the body mist spray for women lasts short on their skin. Actually this is the inherent quality of perfume that quickly gets absorbed in skin and the users fail to trace its impact whereas people around can feel the smell. However, the impact of deo-spray can be finely tuned if you follow a few tip Balim.

Apply spray on moist skin

You need to prepare your body in a way so that it gets ready to absorb the perfume. Only a moist skin is well prepared to receive fragrance that stays longer. If you want your body sprays to last longer, apply the spray on your skin after bath or on wet skin. This time skin pores stay open and that retains the fragrance for longer duration.

Know the pulse points

In order to last longer you need to apply the body mist in proper places like pulse points. Applying on wrist, inside elbows, on the neck, throat, between the breasts, and behind the knees are the ideal pulse points to retain the fragrance for longer than usual.

Use a perfume cream

Use a body cream before you apply body Deodorant. Cream perfumes are available for use and f you can use the cream perfume of the body spray type, it will help you to enhance the intensity of smell. You should apply it from at least one foot distance so that your kin can completely absorb it from the air around. As it takes some time to set your make up, your perfume spray takes some time to get smeared in your presence, so apply body spray at least 15 minutes before you have completed your dressing up.

Make your hair brush scented

Spray the body mist on your hair brush and brush your hair with that scented comb. It will help in spreading the fragrance in your hair too and that will create better fragrance impact. However, do not overdo this process for the sake of balancing the impact.

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